Monthly Archives: August 2009

When You Want What You Want…You Persevere – Chase Those Dreams Ladies!

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Please Be Environmentally Friendly!

In today’s fast paced life style, you would think they would have recycling and garbage bins on nearly every corner of every street, in every city! But of course, they don’t. (Why do I even sound surprised?)Recycle_1_

And after having witnessed a man chuck his bag of whatever onto the side of the highway, it really urged me to write this article – ahhh, the joy of having our own blog;)

So I sifted and sorted through the world wide web, I found some amazing articles on creative ways, and also simple ways, on how you can reduce, reuse and recycle! (PLEASE… lets collectively help the environment:)):

Ways in which you can reduce (courtesy of: :

Turn Out the Lights

  • Don’t forget to flick the switch when you leave a room.

Use Appliances Efficiently

  • Set your refrigerator temperature at 38 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit; your freezer should be set between 0 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Use the power-save switch if your fridge has one, and make sure the door seals tightly. You can check this by making sure that a dollar bill closed in between the door gaskets is difficult to pull out. If it slides easily between the gaskets, replace them.
  • Don’t preheat or “peek” inside the oven more than necessary. Check the seal on the oven door, and use a microwave oven for cooking or reheating small items.
  • Wash only full loads in your dishwasher, using short cycles for all but the dirtiest dishes. This saves water and the energy used to pump and heat it. Air-drying, if you have the time, can also reduce energy use.
  • In your clothes washer, set the appropriate water level for the size of the load; wash in cold water when practical, and always rinse in cold.
  • Clean the lint filter in the dryer after each use. Dry heavy and light fabrics separately and don’t add wet items to a load that’s already partly dry. If available, use the moisture sensor setting. (A clothesline is the most

Take Control of Temperature

  • Set your thermostat in winter to 68 degrees or less during the daytime, and 55 degrees before going to sleep (or when you’re away for the day). During the summer, set thermostats to 78 degrees or more.
  • Use sunlight wisely. During the heating season, leave shades and blinds open on sunny days, but close them at night to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows. Close shades and blinds during the summer or when the air conditioner is in use or will be in use later in the day.
  • Set the thermostat on your water heater between 120 and 130 degrees. Lower temperatures can save more energy, but you might run out of hot water or end up using extra electricity to boost the hot water temperature in your dishwasher.
  • energy-efficient clothes dryer of all!

Set Computers to Sleep and Hibernate

  • Enable the “sleep mode” feature on your computer, allowing it to use less power during periods of inactivity. In Windows, the power management settings are found on your control panel. Mac users, look for energy saving settings under system preferences in the apple menu.
  • Configure your computer to “hibernate” automatically after 30 minutes or so of inactivity. The “hibernate mode” turns the computer off in a way that doesn’t require you to reload everything when you switch it back on. Allowing your computer to hibernate saves energy and is more time-efficient than shutting down and restarting your computer from scratch. When you’re done for the day, shut down.


  • Unplug seldom-used appliances, like an extra refrigerator in the basement or garage that contains just a few items. You may save around $10 every month on your utility bill.
  • Unplug your chargers when you’re not charging. Every house is full of little plastic power supplies to charge cell phones, PDA’s, digital cameras, cordless tools and other personal gadgets. Keep them unplugged until you need them.
  • Use power strips to switch off televisions, home theater equipment, and stereos when you’re not using them. Even when you think these products are off, together, their “standby” consumption can be equivalent to that of a 75 or 100 watt light bulb running continuously.

Ten Creative Ways To Reuse and Recycle: (Article Source:

1. Keep a recycling bin handy and make it easy to recycle. It takes only seconds to toss an empty bottle, plastic container or can into a bin. Keep it in a nearby closet or in the garage.

2. Recycle paper. Use paper grocery bags or cardboard boxes to hold the paper. When going through the mail toss unwanted junk mail into the recycling box. Reuse blank sides of paper for notes, or grocery lists.

3. Reuse plastic grocery bags. Many grocery stores now offer an incentive to customers who bring in their own bags, offering cents off per bag. Keep the bags in the car for easy access.

4. Old bed sheets or blankets make great drop cloths for painting, arts and crafts or household repairs.

5. Spread coffee grounds and fireplace ashes in the garden to add extra nutrients to the soil.

6. Grind lemon rinds in the garbage disposal to keep it smelling fresh.

7. Plastic fruit cups can be used for small jobs around the house such as painting, cleaning or polishing.

8. Don’t throw away clothing or household items that are in good condition. Donate them to charity. Many charities will pick up your items.

9. Use plastic containers from margarine and whipped topping for leftovers.

10. Worn cotton items such as towels, washcloths or socks make perfect cleaning, dusting or polishing rags.

So please ladies, if you are an avid reader here at the Yn’S, lets collaborate and make our planet a cleaner place to live on:)

– Sonya

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A Silent Hit…

As I traveled right into the motherland this summer…yes India…..Anyways I did some serious digging to see what/who was hot. I’m not going to pick favorites, but Ranna Gill did stick out. She’s like a gem everyone needs to own.Fashion

This woman has graced every magazine you can possibly think of with her designs, Elle, Vogue, W, InStyle, Femina, etc. She’s been showcased in the hottest cites for fashion. As I stepped into her boutique in Khan Market in Delhi, I realized she’s that typical understated designer. There was something for everyone. Each and every piece was unique, from indian wear right to the western wear. Gill is one of the few Indian designers to make her mark internationally. Her pieces are available at department stores like Neiman Marcus and Saks.

Gill started working on her line back in 1996, but before that she worked for Ralph Lauren in the women’s division. Working there gave her international feed on how the industry worked and what it was going to take to make her very own mark. She took all her skills and knowledge she practiced at the Fashion institute of Technology in New York and went straight home to create her very own Ameera, a boutique she now runs in New Delhi and Mumbai.

Her designs are worn by the most influential women across the world today. She also headlined the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion week this year, where Deepika Padukone walked as the show stopper.

Anyways just wanted to shed some light on a really creative designer in India at the moment and if any one of you are interested in checking her out, I managed to find a tiny bit of her scheduled showcases for you. Enjoy!!!

September 22-24 2009


New York

October 24-28 2009

India Fashion Week

New Delhi


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Unhappy Split Ends!!

Every time, and I mean every time, I go to my hair dresser, I ask her the SAME question…why do I get split ends???…(argh!) Yes ladies I do understand your frustration, it’s so incredibly annoying and actually embarrassing. But wait…I just may be able to help you now.

So the real reason hair splits at the ends is usually from lack of poor diets, you probably brush your hair when it’s wet, being dehydrated in the summer season, or simply from the dying and chemical treatments you give your hair.

The smartest way to simply avoid split ends is to get a trim every six weeks. And No! ladies by not getting your hair trimmed won’t make your hair Remember once your hair is split from the bottom there are no ways to repair it. You HAVE to get it trimmed so that it doesn’t climb higher and higher. No product on the shelve can repair your split ends, however massaging oils like the Moroccan Oil regularly can hydrate your scalp and lead to a shiny locks.Split Ends

My personal secret; which I’m sharing today, because Sonya made me, is that I wash my hair with yogurt and milk mixed together every six weeks to keep my hair shiny. (I love being organic as much as I can with beauty products!)

– Shivani

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What Defines A Confident and Classy Woman?

She’s that woman that will walk into a room and turn heads. She’s that woman who’s got that strut in her stride, that huge smile and warm ambiance about her. She’s got that posture, one moment it can mean take charge, and another moment it simply means she’s a woman who is very comfortable in her own skin (and in her shoes). She’s that woman that has every man chasing after her, and longing for her.a3land1

You know who I’m talking about…that woman. The confident one. You all know her.

So the question is, what makes her so confident, what does she have that you don’t, or that you may be fighting to achieve? Well…

For one, she’s comfortable and secure with who she is, who she has grown to be, who she has become. She doesn’t need material possessions to validate her, but what she does have is positive energy which surrounds her, and which she exudes.

She is so secure within her self that even if she may not even be the most attractive woman you ever met, she’ll convince you otherwise. Not through her words, but through her actions. She under promises and over delivers.

She has an ambition about her, a determination, motivation and perseverance. And continuously achieves her goals.

She is lady like, and has poise, etiquette and manners.

She is elegant, classy, humble and has a certain humility to her.

She is generous, giving, thankful and loving.

She has a sexual lure about her, but one that isn’t promiscuous.

She is confident….and classy.

Here’s to YOU, our ladies, at the Young And Sassy.

– Sonya


Filed under Beauty, Success and Motivation

Hilarious Ad – You Ladies Gotta See This!…

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This Is What I Know…

I know what I believe in….I believe in kind hearts and kind words. I believe in speaking the truth, with precision andBelieve honesty and speaking even louder with your actions. I believe in people who want to make a difference in other people’s lives and I believe in people who are committed to themselves and their dreams….their goals and their aspirations. I believe in being loyal, in being humble and in being modest. I believe that you should always put others first and yourself second, that you shouldn’t allow for others to test your limits and push your buttons, you are who you are and you should not allow for anyone else to dictate the terms that you live your life on.

I know that my ways of doing things are different than most, but that doesn’t give me enough of a reason to change my ways. I know I may be stubborn, but I’m true to my beliefs. I know that sometimes I second guess the ways in which I do things, but hey, that’s life and that’s its process. I won’t dance to the beat of your drums, cause your rhythm throws me off, however if your beat flows poetically and your verses make sense to my ears, I’m sure you’ll find me twiddling my thumbs or tapping my feet….

I know that I can be quiet at times, but a silent self esteem is what the most successful people are made of. I also know I can throw you off guard with my sarcastic nature and humor, but that’s when you know I’m in the presence of good company. I know that you may boast or pretend to be someone your not, but please don’t be so fascinated if all of a sudden you don’t have a place in my world anymore. I believe that too many people out there say one thing and do another, and  let me tell you, its so harmonious when people’s audio’s are in tune with their video’s.

I believe in good family, good friends, and good laughs. I sneer at pessimism and shine when it comes to optimism. I believe in being a good listener and talking only when your entertaining those around you, not to bombard them with your problems, unless their your best friend of course. I will not listen to you if your problems are petty, that’s what mirrors are for.

I’m old school, not an old fool. I wasn’t born yesterday, and I won’t buy into your lies and deceit. You get one chance with me, and if your lucky you may even get two, but than that means your on really icy waters and better hope you don’t mess up. I’ve been jaded by the world’s chaos and narrow-minded people, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to begin to change my ways and it definitely doesn’t mean I’m going to forget to say please and thank you. I don’t care to know what’s in style, I’ve got taste. I don’t care to know if your carrying Louis Vuitton, or Christian Dior, at the end of the day your personality doesn’t present itself to me with a price tag, I scan for wholeness not numbers. I believe in being unique, and surrounding myself with like minded individuals. I believe in quality, not quantity. If you don’t understand the above, then unfortunately I don’t understand you, and there’s really not much else to say.

– Sonya

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Why You May Not Be Ready For Commitment

Hi Ladies!

So I just recently celebrated my birthday (age will remain anonymous thanks!), and got the glorious, yet painful call from my mother asking me when I was thinking of settling down. Sometimes I enjoy the conversations that revolve around my dating life, I find them quite humorous, but this time around, I don’t think humor is what she had in mind.

I felt that Oprah represented this article so well:)

I felt that Oprah represented this article so well:)

Here’s the thing, I’m not a commitment phobe (although many of my friends will remind me otherwise), but I do have a problem with foreseeing my future with one man for the rest of my life (common law, I can do, marriage on the other hand definitely scares me, and being Indian you could only imagine the heart attack I would give my mother). Maybe the problem lies in the fact that, oh I don’t know, divorce rates are sky rocketing at a rate faster than ever, babies don’t seem to be in the picture for me (I can barely look after myself), and my career just won’t let me settle down. All in all, relationships are not my number one priority right now. But is that such a bad thing? Why is it that if you’re a young, successful, single woman, you are automatically deemed, or doomed rather, to take that “next step”? What if I never want to take that “next step”?

So after reading many articles on the topic of commitment phobia, I have come to conclude and prove to my friends and family that it’s not that I’m a commitment phobe, it’s just that I’m not ready to commit to anyone at this point in my life, and here’s why you may not be either:

1) You think of where you will be with your career down the road, not a husband

2) You are more passionate about friends and family than you are about holding down a relationship

3) You love dating.

4) Babies aren’t in the picture for you.

5) You haven’t met that one guy that meets your requirements (ie. the checklist). You’re allowed to be picky, after all you may be spending the rest of your life with this one man – no need to settle ladies!

6) And finally, you enjoy being single, each and every single – no strings attached – moment of it!;) Enjoy it!

– Sonya

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Monogamy on a Man is Sexy

In today’s day and age, it’s very seldom that you will ever find a man who keeps his eyes to himself, or so to speak.

The day’s of monogamy seem to be gone, and the days of polygamy (or polyamory) seem to here (god I hope not). RedHotMonogamy

But I do have to say this:

There is nothing more sexier than a man who is monogamous, who remains monogamous, and who will always be monogamous (happily of course). That the sight of another woman doesn’t even catch his eye. Or when tempted by flirtation, he reminds the other woman of the one who’s already won his heart – that’s sexy (this is why so many women want other women’s men – and women, I urge you STAY THE ‘F’ AWAY! – he can probably do without the drama).

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve met a man, only to learn later on that he was either, dating another woman, engaged to another woman, or married to another woman at the time of meeting me. And my question, later on, is always, “how in the world did you so happen to sporadically forget that you already had another woman in your life???”

I watched this movie not too long ago, (so sorry, but I forgot the name of it) ends up cheating on his long time girlfriend with another girl because apparently he was curious (note: curiosity killed the cat – don’t go there), to make a long story line short, he tries over and over again to get his girlfriend to try and get back together with him (trying not to ruin the movie here). Near the end of the movie, he’s at her parent’s house where she is now residing and runs’ into her father. And here’s the line that I will forever remember…he say’s, “Son, you will continue to meet blondes, brunettes, red heads etc., and you will always come across temptation, but let me tell you that after being married for thirty happy years, I, to this day, haven’t met my last blonde, brunette, or red head, because I have never let temptation get the best of me.” …Gosh, I wish every man could live by that motto.

– Sonya


Filed under Dating and Relationships

The Best Brow

Most Indian women are naturally born with beautiful eyebrows. The key is to maintain them. Ideally your brow should be proportioned with your face. If you’ve got more prominent features, you should really stick to full brows. If you have petite features, you should go on the thinner side of things. Having said that, eyebrows should never be pencil thin. Your length should always be longer then the eye length.Kardashian

There are many hair removal options. Most Indian women prefer threading. It’s an ancient technique invented. By using this method it allows your esthetician to be as accurate as possible. For first timers, I suggest you go for threading as this will determine your shape for the rest of your life. Waxing is another good method; however you have to be extremely careful the way your eyelid gets pulled. If it’s not done properly your skin may start to sag earlier then expected. Also your eyes are a very sensitive area, using warmer temperatures can also cause some harm. Tweezing should only be done if you have in-growths.Megan Fox

To prevent breakouts near your eyes I suggest you use Clarins Beauty repair cream. Also apply aloe vera or calamine lotion to avoid redness and puffiness around the eyes.

Some leading ladies, as you can see, with great eyebrows would be Megan Fox, Priyanka Chopra and Kim Kardashian.

Priyanka Chopra

– Shivani

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