Monthly Archives: January 2010

Always Do What You Can For Others

I was in the midst of sending emails back and forth this morning, and in my profession it can get a little tedious at times, and sometimes people can be a bit harsh, and at other times, they can completely blow you out of the water with their generosity – sometimes.

This morning I got an “out of the blue” email from a friend of a friend having helped me out with something that I hadn’t even asked her to do. Now that to me was mind blowing. Simply, truly, mind blowing. This girl, from the bottom of her heart, just thought I could use the extra help, and thus, helped me out. After many thank you’s and I O U’s, she said this: “This is what people are supposed to do for each other and in my opinion it doesn’t happen enough”. She couldn’t have put it better, nor in any other way.

In today’s day and age, I feel there are far too many people who only do so much for others, or only ever do something for others when there’s something in it for them. But why not just help somebody out because you truly feel that it’s the right thing to do? That by helping this person, you probably just made their day? As this new friend of mine said this morning, it just doesn’t happen enough these days.

So next time you think that there may be the slightest way you could possibly help another individual. Go ahead. I urge you. Just do it. It’s the littlest moments in life that make up life as a whole, so why not contribute to it and someone else’s?


– Sonya


Filed under Success and Motivation

It’s Time To Get Those Results Ladies!

“The actions you consistently take create the results of your life. Change your consistent actions and you’ll change your life” – Anthony Robbins.

So beautifully put, and yet so true. If you have been an individual of action at the gym, then kudos to you, that’s the first step in the right direction. However, it is now time to take those basic consistent actions and turn them into a whirlwind of results that you’ve been wishing, wanting,  and waiting for.

I was at the gym the other day, and for the past two years, I haven’t been running as much as I like (usually I like running long distances and for a long period of time – and over time I just became ‘one of those’ runners that does the same thing over and over again – yes I know, I committed a cardinal sin to all personal training guide books out there). But this time around I went to the gym with a new game plan, I went with a goal. I went with an end result in mind. See, I’ve been reading a lot of Tony Robbins lately and I think I’ve got to a point in my life where I want to see more than what I have already. So I’ve challenged myself, not only at the gym, but in all other facets of my life as well….but back to the gym.

I’ve always been toned (I’m not tooting my own horn here, trust me, far from it!), but it’s just not enough for me anymore. As I said, I want more. So back to my challenge…. I challenged myself to run 4.5 miles in 30 minutes. And can I tell you that it was one of the best workouts I have ever had to this day. And the reason it was so enjoyable is because I had an end goal to attain and I wasn’t going to let myself down,  so throughout my run I continuously kept pushing myself, and towards the end I pushed myself past exhaustion. Needless to say, I didn’t accomplish 4.5 miles, but did however finish a solid 4.3, which I’m pretty happy with for now.

So the point of this article, and the reason I wrote it, is because the next morning I woke up feeling amazing, you know that incredible tight feeling you feel the next day? You’re muscles feel intact, you feel slim and toned all over? I had that, and in ways in which I hadn’t felt in a while. And so I’m here to say, push yourself. Push yourself past your plateau, push yourself so that you can change your consistent actions, so that they can become even better, more improved actions, that will continuously change your life, and will give you promising results.

– Sonya Gill

Also a featured author for – The webs leading Online Workout and Fitness Tracking Service

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Filed under Health / Fitness