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A Brief Hiatus…

Dear our dedicated Yn’S ladies,

The Young and Sassy is currently on a brief hiatus as we’re in the midst of building a brand new website. Something more fun, more interactive and something that you will gain more of a benefit from.

So stay with us, don’t go anywhere…cause we will be back. Promise. xo

– Sonya

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Nothing Like A Perfect Set Of Lashes!

Hello long lashes!

We all want thick, long, and full eyelashes. And to be honest we are not all blessed with a perfect set. There are tons of mascaras on the market and all will claim to deliver perfect lashes but it’s all about finding the right one that works for you. Here are a few that everyone is ranting and raving about.

Givenchy Phenomen’Eyes:

What makes this mascara different from the others is the ball brush applicator. The ball allows you to grab every lash from root to tip with precision. You can reach the extreme inner and outer corners of your eye while achieving curl and volume.



Lancome Hypnose:

Known for adding volume without the clumping. If you are looking for thicker lashes Hypnose is for you. It is an ultra-light fluid that allows you to build your lashes without smearing or smudging. The brush has 1000 sensor bristles so you can apply the mascara from root to tip while separating each lash.


Dior Diorshow:

If you’re opting for an ultra glam look, this is the mascara for you. Just like its name, this mascara was created for the runways. The big brush applicator separates each lash adding volume and length. Diorshow is best for those who already have long lashes and just want to add volume and thickness.


CoverGirl LashBlast Waterproof:

This is more affordable option for those on a budget. The large rubber bristled brush separates and lengthens without clumps. For those who have straight lashes, this is for you! It keeps lashes perfectly curled. The waterproof formula doesn’t smudge but it could be difficult removing it at the end of the day.



Maybelline Great Lash:

Can’t forget this one! It has been on the market for years and it is said that one is sold every 1.5 minutes. Great Lash conditions as it thickens without clumps. This is perfect if you are looking for a natural full look without looking too dramatic.


Take your pick and get ready to bat those lashes.

– Jehan

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YES! Goals Are That EASY!

As a business coach and an entrepreneur I needed to find away to chip at the things I wanted to accomplish. But I found myself overwhelmed with “the list”, and nothing ended up getting done. So I researched and met with friends that were super achievers to find out what it was that they were doing and came up with this:


Explore – something new every day! (e.g. A new meal when going out, a new route to work, or even make a new outfit combination. It really can be anything new).

Attack – something (ONE thing) that has been taking up real estate in your mind. (e.g. Print pictures from camera, write blog;) , do laundry, pay bills, finish report)

Sherr (yes, yes it’s Share! Work with me here, lol) do something nice for someone call someone that you care about and let them know, send an email or a text get creative and send a card. Try this when you go for your morning tea simply pay for the person behind you, it’s a small impactful gesture. When they say thank-you ‘Tell them to pay it forward’.

You– Take care of you. Give your self the gift of attention (e.g. Read a book, take a bath, do your nails, go to a yoga class, go for a walk, take time for yourself). I make these goals the night before as I’m winding down for bed. This gives me the time to think about what I’d like to do the next day. I start my day with a knowing of what my day is going to look like. I found it hard to do it in the morning because I’d rather sleep for an extra ten minutes. Knowing this instead of beating myself up I find a way that works for me. What works for you?

– Sherry

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Get Out Of That Rut!

The only difference between a rut and a grave is one you can get out of;)

What to do  when you’re in a rut? Well. Here’s the thing. You ain’t dead. (Yes, I know bad english, but we need to get you out of that rut remember?).

I know the pathways may feel fuzzy, or you may feel as though you don’t know what direction you’re steering your life in anymore. You don’t care to be proactive, and once upon a time I think I even blamed it on the weather!

However, the fact that you’re still living is reason enough to GET OUT OF THAT FUNK! Get up and do something about it. Start reading a inspirational book, magazine, or head to the gym, a run will do wonders for your body and energy levels, trust me. And if your life has grown a little mundane, then do something about it. If you find yourself coming home straight from work, switch it up! Get out and about! (Remember you’re living, not dead…just so we have that clear for the 3rd time here!)

So again, don’t just sit there and think this rut will go away on its own, because it probably won’t. And don’t become one of those people that lives in the “one day” dream. Act on your life today, not tomorrow, not down the road – NOW. Because I can actually tell you first hand that you are not promised a tomorrow. You are promised a present, today, and there is no better time to achieve your greatness. So what are you waiting for…go on…get to it!

– Sonya


Filed under Success and Motivation

Sherry’s 30 Day Challenge!

I’m here to give you tools to help you grow but I can only do so stepping up myself! I am conditioning myself for success everyday! I’m here to “sherr” with you my experience and you are more then welcome to explore with me and see what works for you! As of April 1st I am going to take on the challenge of being a vegan for 30 days, that means….. no milk no dairy no meat of any sort, yes that includes seafood. Yikes!! I’m nervous even typing this!!

The reason for this experiment is to see my energy level. I am driven to live in peak state everyday! I’ve done it before for a few months but it wasn’t healthy. I wasn’t eating regularly, this time I’m doing it right. So, I will ask, who’s in for the challenge??? Remember it starts April 1st so you have time to squeeze in a steak…. RUTH’S CHRIS here I come!!!

– Sherry


Filed under Health / Fitness

Spring Trend Report

I can’t wait to sport the latest spring looks but it is difficult to think of warm weather and minimal layers in this cold weather. But spring 2010 collections have hit retailers’ racks and are in all major fashion magazines. Before breaking the bank, here is a crash course of the season’s trends from tribal prints to exposed lingerie to the classic white shirt.

Patterns and Prints:

Whether floral, striped, abstract, bold or subdued, patterns and prints are bringing us a whole range of new wardrobe options. You will find jackets, dresses, skirts, and pants in all sorts of prints and patterns. You will be mixing and matching from head to toe.

Delicate Sheer:

Want to bring the boudoir to the street? Bustier tops and lace slip minis are coming out of close doors. This trend can be either by worn soft and feminine in pastels or in black for an edgy look. This is the perfect look for the sex kitten.


The minimalist look is tailored with architectural lines and soft drapery. Crisp white shirts and classic suits are key items. Mix leather, linen, and cotton in neutral tones to create a perfect look.


Sportswear has never looked so good until now. From body-con silhouettes to structured sweatshirts to printed shorts, you’ll be ready to lead the team. Football, skateboarding, and surfing have influenced designers to play up your love of the game. 

And that my friends is your Spring Trend Report – any questions, advice, comments..feel free to drop them below!

– Jehan

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Is P90X Effective?

Every now and then when I train clients on the side, I get this question. And the answer is YES.

And now you’re probably wondering, how can you be so sure? Well for one, I know of two individuals who have successfully used this program and have shed pounds, gained lean muscle and sexy tonage.

The other reason I know this is because as a trainer it’s my job to keep up to par with the latest and greatest in the fitness industry, and I’ve been following P90X since it first came out.

The reason it works is because P90X uses what is called muscle confusion. This is when you are constantly mixing up different workouts, so that you aren’t constantly doing the same exercises (like one is sometimes seen doing at the gym). P90X keeps in mind that after about a month, the body hits a plateau and refuses to lose anymore weight unless you begin to do something different…it’s kind of like that quote, “Insanity is when you keep doing the same thing expecting different results”. So thank you P90X for putting that one out there!

Another reason P90X works is because of the nutrition program it offers alongside its workouts. So on that note, I will say that in order to achieve the results you REALLY want, you must follow both the nutritional guide and workout guide. If you just do one over the other, you guessed it, your half assing it;)

If you’re already fit, and are wondering, “Will P90X take me to a whole new level?”, the answer is also YES. Because P90X offers a unique program of weights, cardio, stretching and plyometric training it provides athletes with all of the elements necessary to excel. And thus, strength, flexibility, agility and endurance are all highly valued athletic skills that are developed using P90X.

That being said. This is probably the only product I would ever purchase from an infomercial. But hey, this is just my opinion.

Any questions, feel free to contact me!

– Sonya


Filed under Health / Fitness

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D???

So it’s my first blog post and one would think that the ideas are overflowing and the thoughts are just bubbling.
Hmph. Quite the contrary. Blogging on nutrition is such an open door that I have been in analysis paralysis mode for the past..oh, not hours, but days.

Where do I start? My natural inclination is to talk about nutritional cleansing and benefits of it seeing as how that’s the kind of coaching I provide on a daily basis through Detox Divas, my business that uses Isagenix products to assist people in getting healthy.

However, after making lists, shortening the lists, scratching the lists and then re-writing the list from which I would create another list, this is what I realized. I am gripped with fear not because I have nothing to say. It’s because I fear that I might come across as… God forbid, a nutrition expert?! OH NO!

So to that, my friends, I offer you my sworn blogment. I promise to provide information that I have found useful about topics that I think will interest you. Some topics – well I will have quite openly strong views on them. Others, well just call me your friendly web-hourood aggregator.

Okay, let’s get to it. Vitamin D. Went to my family doctor the other day after a friend’s insistence on checking my D levels given that, oh, most of us are low on this “of the moment” vitamin. Shocking. I am low. Started researching to find out what exactly Vitamin D is. First stop – wikipedia (where else?
I found out that the sunshine vitamin, the one a lot of us North Americans are low on, is actually Vitamin D3.

The media is also quite interested in the topic are also covering the Vitamin D deficiency issue frequently. Here is a recent CBC report:

Health Canada has chimed in as well

Apparently north of Boston the exposure to the sun (fifteen minutes is enough) isn’t strong enough to properly absorb D3 in the winter months even on a sunny day. Darn.

The other question is how much of it to take. Now this is where information is on such a broad spectrum that I haven’t been able to find a definitive answer. I have been taking 2000IU a day but that’s based on my doctor’s recommendation. The nets say anything from 1000 IU to 4000 IU. Lots of folks use dairy products and other such Vitamin D fortified products as well to get their D on. I don’t think it’s enough though.

For vegetarians like myself who need this – guess what – there’s a vegan plant based option by a company called Vitamin Code. I had to order this off a health food store online because this version is hard to find in Canada. The reason I was looking for one is because most Vitamin D tabs are a derivative of sheep’s wool. The idea of fuzzy sheep’s wool in a tab.. um, not feeling it.

So, the next time you are at your family doctor for a bloodtest, make sure to specifically ask to be checked. Hey, with summer coming up, let’s cross our fingers that we can get it the natural way!

– Bhargavi

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How In The World Do I Spend So Much?!

I would consider myself a pretty responsible individual…most of the time. That is, not so responsible when it comes to money.

Money and I have had a very complicated relationship over the years. I see shoes, money sees problems, I see gorgeous dress, money sees it only being worn once, and sees problems, I see red wine and plan drinks with the girls, money says, “put your wallet away Sonya, you’re not Oprah Winfrey…(yet;))!”

I’m also one of those individuals as well that goes out for a night on the town and wakes up thinking, “how did I spend so much money last night?!”. I’m also one of those individuals that can’t seem to make a meal at home…for the life of me! Thus my relationship with money needs to start being repaired, and my relationship with restaurants and shoes needs to take a break, the intimacy is great, but I feel like I owe money a chance.

So therefore, I’ve taken the following vows, and for the most part can say, it’s actually working out quite well for me. Thought I would share it with my fellow Young And Sassian’s…you know, just in case you’re having intimacy issues with money as well – he can be so moody sometimes!

1)      No more eating out – no if’s, ands, or buts about it. From now on, all meals are to be cooked or packaged from home. Including coffee, tea, or water.

2)      I have over 200 pairs of shoes and have promised myself that from now on, every time I pass a shoe store, I will either look the other way (in search of a hot male across the street?), or will admire for 2.5 seconds (the shoes that is) without stopping and proceed with random thoughts on my To-Do list.

3)      I know I’m a personal trainer and it sounds weird that I nixed my gym membership. But I have now successfully resorted to running outdoors (there’s a track right next to my place), and purchased weights and a yoga mat. There’s a reason I have a certificate, it’s so I can train myself – duh.

4)      No more drunken long distance phone calls to my family and friends in Vancouver, my love for them runs deep, don’t get me wrong. Thus will re-consider the phone call early in the morning and will send a text message instead – with love xoxo.

5)      I have a book obsession – just a little one (insert slight exaggeration), so I recently acquired a library card that has done wonders for me. Now the trick is just getting them returned on time.

6)      Clothes. Still working on that one.

7)      Girls nights out will now be arranged by everyone else other than myself. Apparently I like to have one too many of these nights, and will just have to take a back seat as the “event planner” from now on. It’s not my fault, I just love my girls. I’m guessing the next couple of girls nights will be at someone’s place? Oh Joy.

I think for now that’s a pretty good list. Anything else on there and I may just throw money out all together. I’ll keep you all posted to let you know how it goes:)


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