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The wait is finally over!

The Young And Sassy is now – check it out!

See you guys at the new site:)

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A Brief Hiatus…

Dear our dedicated Yn’S ladies,

The Young and Sassy is currently on a brief hiatus as we’re in the midst of building a brand new website. Something more fun, more interactive and something that you will gain more of a benefit from.

So stay with us, don’t go anywhere…cause we will be back. Promise. xo

– Sonya

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Happpy Thanksgiving!

There are only three times of the year that I love, but HATE the morning after:

1) Superbowl Sunday

2) Thanksgiving

3) Christmas

Now “Why???” is probably the first thing you asked, but if you’re a health nut like me, then you know what I’m talking about – food, food, and more food! I swear, I ran on the treadmill this morning as if I was training for a triathalon! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I ate, all I know is there was alot of carbs, alot of fat (and not the good kind either!), and alot of red wine! However, I must admit that I had a GREAT time this year…it’s a great time to have everyone get together, to share stories and heartfelt laughter.

Dinner At Mom and Dad's House

Dinner At Mom and Dad's House

Dinner At My Girlfriends Place

Dinner At My Girlfriends Place

Here are a few pics of the dinners I attended this past weekend.





Hope your Thanksgiving was as mouthwatering as mine:)

– Sonya

P.S. NOT looking forward to Christmas dinner!

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Please Be Environmentally Friendly!

In today’s fast paced life style, you would think they would have recycling and garbage bins on nearly every corner of every street, in every city! But of course, they don’t. (Why do I even sound surprised?)Recycle_1_

And after having witnessed a man chuck his bag of whatever onto the side of the highway, it really urged me to write this article – ahhh, the joy of having our own blog;)

So I sifted and sorted through the world wide web, I found some amazing articles on creative ways, and also simple ways, on how you can reduce, reuse and recycle! (PLEASE… lets collectively help the environment:)):

Ways in which you can reduce (courtesy of: :

Turn Out the Lights

  • Don’t forget to flick the switch when you leave a room.

Use Appliances Efficiently

  • Set your refrigerator temperature at 38 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit; your freezer should be set between 0 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Use the power-save switch if your fridge has one, and make sure the door seals tightly. You can check this by making sure that a dollar bill closed in between the door gaskets is difficult to pull out. If it slides easily between the gaskets, replace them.
  • Don’t preheat or “peek” inside the oven more than necessary. Check the seal on the oven door, and use a microwave oven for cooking or reheating small items.
  • Wash only full loads in your dishwasher, using short cycles for all but the dirtiest dishes. This saves water and the energy used to pump and heat it. Air-drying, if you have the time, can also reduce energy use.
  • In your clothes washer, set the appropriate water level for the size of the load; wash in cold water when practical, and always rinse in cold.
  • Clean the lint filter in the dryer after each use. Dry heavy and light fabrics separately and don’t add wet items to a load that’s already partly dry. If available, use the moisture sensor setting. (A clothesline is the most

Take Control of Temperature

  • Set your thermostat in winter to 68 degrees or less during the daytime, and 55 degrees before going to sleep (or when you’re away for the day). During the summer, set thermostats to 78 degrees or more.
  • Use sunlight wisely. During the heating season, leave shades and blinds open on sunny days, but close them at night to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows. Close shades and blinds during the summer or when the air conditioner is in use or will be in use later in the day.
  • Set the thermostat on your water heater between 120 and 130 degrees. Lower temperatures can save more energy, but you might run out of hot water or end up using extra electricity to boost the hot water temperature in your dishwasher.
  • energy-efficient clothes dryer of all!

Set Computers to Sleep and Hibernate

  • Enable the “sleep mode” feature on your computer, allowing it to use less power during periods of inactivity. In Windows, the power management settings are found on your control panel. Mac users, look for energy saving settings under system preferences in the apple menu.
  • Configure your computer to “hibernate” automatically after 30 minutes or so of inactivity. The “hibernate mode” turns the computer off in a way that doesn’t require you to reload everything when you switch it back on. Allowing your computer to hibernate saves energy and is more time-efficient than shutting down and restarting your computer from scratch. When you’re done for the day, shut down.


  • Unplug seldom-used appliances, like an extra refrigerator in the basement or garage that contains just a few items. You may save around $10 every month on your utility bill.
  • Unplug your chargers when you’re not charging. Every house is full of little plastic power supplies to charge cell phones, PDA’s, digital cameras, cordless tools and other personal gadgets. Keep them unplugged until you need them.
  • Use power strips to switch off televisions, home theater equipment, and stereos when you’re not using them. Even when you think these products are off, together, their “standby” consumption can be equivalent to that of a 75 or 100 watt light bulb running continuously.

Ten Creative Ways To Reuse and Recycle: (Article Source:

1. Keep a recycling bin handy and make it easy to recycle. It takes only seconds to toss an empty bottle, plastic container or can into a bin. Keep it in a nearby closet or in the garage.

2. Recycle paper. Use paper grocery bags or cardboard boxes to hold the paper. When going through the mail toss unwanted junk mail into the recycling box. Reuse blank sides of paper for notes, or grocery lists.

3. Reuse plastic grocery bags. Many grocery stores now offer an incentive to customers who bring in their own bags, offering cents off per bag. Keep the bags in the car for easy access.

4. Old bed sheets or blankets make great drop cloths for painting, arts and crafts or household repairs.

5. Spread coffee grounds and fireplace ashes in the garden to add extra nutrients to the soil.

6. Grind lemon rinds in the garbage disposal to keep it smelling fresh.

7. Plastic fruit cups can be used for small jobs around the house such as painting, cleaning or polishing.

8. Don’t throw away clothing or household items that are in good condition. Donate them to charity. Many charities will pick up your items.

9. Use plastic containers from margarine and whipped topping for leftovers.

10. Worn cotton items such as towels, washcloths or socks make perfect cleaning, dusting or polishing rags.

So please ladies, if you are an avid reader here at the Yn’S, lets collaborate and make our planet a cleaner place to live on:)

– Sonya

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Hilarious Ad – You Ladies Gotta See This!…

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Sexy and Succesful Men We Love

It’s funny, when you try to think of Sexy, Successful, North American South Asian Men, there are only a few that come to mind, but a ton of beautiful, talented, sexy women (which we also have a article on) – good job ladies:)

Here are a couple that are loved by the Y n’ S girls – feel free to add to the list:)


1) Dr. Sanjay Gupta – Oh how we love him in so many ways.

Not only is he sexy, but he’s brawny and brainy;) We could watch him on CNN for days;)2009_0107_ap_sanjay_gupta










2) The day I saw this man on Oprah, was the day I thought I may eventually become attracted to Indian men again…not only good looking, but also from humble beginnings, educated, and witty. GurbakshChahal

He’s a number two on the Y n’ S list of Sexy and Successful Men – Gurbaksh Chahal. 








3) At number three, we have the very athletic, Manny Malhotra, half french and half Indian.

Even though he’s married (to Steve Nash’s sister by the way), he is still our favorite. I remember the day I interviewed him, I think I had forgotten229_wine_dine majority of my questions ’cause I couldnt stop staring at him…and I never stare at men!





4) Nigel Barker. I know, I know, why is Nigel Barker at number 4 right? Or wait, what’s that? Why is he on the list? Well, it’s ’cause he’s half Indian of course. His mother, a former “Miss Sri Lanka”, and his father, Irish and Portuguese, gave him his incredible and unique looks.nigelblueshirt

Not only a great looking judge on ANTM, but a devoted husband and father, more of a reason to place him on the Y n’ S list of the Sexy and Successful…







5) Now this last one may come as a bit of a surprise. But I have been following this guy for a while (not literally – relax!), and he truly is a Sexy, Successful, Y n’ S man. Jay_Sean_-_My_Own_Way_(Front)

A very talented singer, writer and producer who began his career signed under Rishi Rich, recently came to be signed with Cash Money Records. I really have to give him credit for breaking off from the “indian scene”, (as not alot of them ever get a chance to do) and making it main stream – good stuff Jay!


– Sonya

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