Category Archives: Beauty

The Y ‘n S Summer’s ‘Worth Spending Guide’


Okay so summer is here, the sun is shining, the air is fresh, the flowers are blooming, and it’s BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT!

Now in order to get a feel for all of these things, I’ve put together a little cheat sheet for you..

Ladies please don’t feel guilty about spending some extra attention or extra dollars on these pointers. All worth it at the end;)

-Pick up the Aveeno sunscreen lotion for your face. It’s very easy to look blotchy in this season. The average cost is $12

-Cherries, cherries yum cherries. They are a source of Vitamin C. They also provide a boost of energy. They are about $7/lbs

-Get a weekly Yoga pass. This helps with building your core and stretching your body parts which are often neglected in the gym sometimes. Hatha Yoga is a good class to attend for a cleanse. You sweat out all the toxins in your body. Average class is about $15

-Carry a bottle of water with you at all times. I suggest you buy a  bottle you can continuously keep refilling. This way you’re being eco friendly and not wasting. Also by drinking a liter and a half a day you’re keeping your body hydrated and the skin nice and fresh. I suggest buying a health conscience stainless steel water bottle for a mere cost of $6

-Ladies go for a good wax job..and read btw the lines and go get it all done. Nothing is worse then an itchy and stubbly area especially when it’s beach season. Avg cost $45  (email me and I’ll share my place I found for a whole $10!)…

-Show off those pretty toes by getting a great pedicure. It’s really not attractive when you are wearing open toe’d sandals and chipped nail polish. Trust me men pay extra attention to your pretty feet. Average cost $30 Sometimes there is a bonus deal with a mani and pedi for $50…go and get it!

-The sun can definitely damage your hair. Please go to your nearest drug store and pick up a nice hair serum to give it a nice shine. I use the John Frieda hair serum about $10

-Ladies here’s a good secret, if you use a shimmering moisturizer before you apply your foundation then your skin will glow. Also please use the closest color to your skin. Test it on your jaw and not your hand. Right now I’m very pleased with Giorgio Armani’s face fabric Avg cost $50

Enjoy these tips;) I’ll have more for you next month!

– Shivani 🙂

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